By Frank Gambale
SERIES: Manhattan Music Publications
CATEGORY: Guitar Method or Supplement
A method that looks at the way the legendary Frank Gambale solos over chordal harmonies. It shows how to use simple musical materials to create sophisticated solos. Book II covers the last two chordal types and includes a 70-minute recording.
The essential soloing theory course for all guitarists!
The Techique Book looks at the way Gambale solos over chordal harmonies. The method is structured around 6 basic chordal types (minor 7, major 7, dominant 7, altered dominant 7, minor 7 flat 5, and diminished) approached in 5 ways; by diatonic scales (selected based on the tonality required), pentatonic/blues scales, four note arpeggios, triads (both as notes and chordal fragments) and two note intervals. This is the second book and covers the latter chordal types and builds on the skills from the first volume.
CD included.
Frank Gambale is one of the most distinctive guitar players on the
scene. He sounds like a happy hybrid of a jazz player's love of harmonic
lines, a metal player's love of arpeggios and a full singing legato
tone, as if George Benson, Malmsteen and Holdsworth collaborated
on a single solo. His speed/sweep-picking technique is already legendary,
so this new book is a welcome instructional publication.
The Technique Book looks at the way Gambale solos over chordal harmonies.
The method is structured around six basic chordal types (minor
7,maj 7,dom 7,altered dom 7,min 7 flat 5, and diminished) approached
five ways: by diatonic scales (selected based on the tonality required),
pentatonic/blues scales, four-note arpeggios, triads (both as notes and
chordal fragments) and two-note intervals. This book is the first of two
and covers the first four chordal types.
The Technique Book is a method for examining what all these
possibilities sound like over a given chord. Gambale provides all the
options and then tells you what his preferred sounds are in context.
It ends up that what Frank plays are moving harmonic progressions
superimposed over more or lessstatic chords or vamps. The melodically
phrased progressions selected give his solo lines harmonic interest and
internally generated movement (in contrast to the usually single modal
approach used by the average rock player).
The Book is an expose of how to use rather simple musical materials
to create sophisticated solos by combining them in specific ways.
Without burdening the player with overly theoretical jargon, Gambale
shows how to play harmonic extensions to basic chordal sounds that
end up sounding rather "hip."Jazz players have been using these techniques
for decades and this book explains them to the guitar player.
A short and pithy appendix covers all the theory basics you need. If
you follow the fingering notation you will gain insight into Gambale's
mastery of the fretboard.
Examples of what each scale approach sounds like are on the accompanying
audio cassette. The examples are well chosen and sometimes
he plays them at several tempos, even at his usual blistering rate. The
tape begins and ends with some typical Gambale soloing for those who
don't know why he is considered a guitar hero.
The Frank Gamba/e Technique Book is a valuable source of new ideas
for the guitarist wishing to expand beyond the usual melodic territories.
Guitar World
May 1988
CD Tracking Information
1 Song & Introduction
2 Diminished 1/2 Whole Scale Examples 1-2
3 Example 3
4 Example 4
5 Example 5
6 E Phrygian Examples
7 Arpeggios Example
8 Triads Examples
9 Lowanna Street
10 Locrian Examples
11 Arpeggios Example
12 Triads & Intervals Examples
13 Aeolian Examples
14 Arpeggios & Triads Examples
15 Scales & Arps Examples
16 Triads & Intervals Examples
17 Beef Intolorable
18 Diminished Examples
19 Arpeggios Example
20 Triads & Intervals Examples
21 Mode VII Harmonic Minor Examples
22 Arpeggios Example
23 Triads Examples
24 Cleo & Rebecca